White Tiger Therapeutics
“Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come” – Chinese proverb
White Tiger Therapeutics – Dr. Kerry Posniak
- Gentle Traditional Japanese Acupuncture – Health Fund Rebates available
- Tao Mentoring: Support in creating the life you love
- Qi Gong & Tai chi classes & workshops
- Workplace Wellness: Massage & Tai chi
- Chinese medicine, Acupressure and Cupping
Japanese Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
A gentle & effective approach to health & harmony
The power of Oriental Medicine can help you
- improve your energy levels
- feel calmer
- reduce stress and pain,
- improve your general wellbeing.
Traditional Japanese Acupuncture is very gentle yet effective and utilises a refined technique, shallow needling and extra thin needles to make for a more enjoyable experience.
What is Qi gong?
Qigong is composed of breathing exercises and mindfulness to support your treatment.Qi gong is the ancient Chinese art of meditation in motion based on the same principles behind Chinese Medicine. Learn powerful tools to unify movement breath with Mind via stimulation of the meridian energy system, increasing free flow of blood and Qi, thus improving health. Movements are relaxing, profound yet simple. It is a self-empowering practice that promotes health, wellbeing & potentiates transformation on all levels.
Types of Qi gong Kerry teaches include:
Dao Yin
Five Elements
Six Healing sounds
Five Animal frolic
Muscle and Tendon Changing Classic
Bone marrow washing
Yang style 24 form Tai chi
Dr. Kerry Posniak(TCM) lecturered in Medical Qigong at the Southern School of Natural Therapies, Victoria’s premier holistic therapies college for 3 years & brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her workshops.
About Tai chi:
Yang style 24 form Tai chi consists of graceful flowing movements that loosen and limber while improving circulation and joint mobility. Great for arthritis, high blood pressure, and to calm and lift your spirit.
Corporate Tai chi & Qigong
Workshops are the perfect way to start a conference. Get the blood flowing!
We offer 8 week corporate Tai Chi and Qi gong group classes on site as space permits or off-site. This is a great way to team-build and enhance general well-being through meditation in motion.
For enrolment call: Kerry 0425 801 912 or email kerry@whitetigertherapeutics.com.au