12197 views Updated 8 Yrs ago ID: 1281
Gluten Free bread has become the core part of our business over the years and we have seen our range develop to include many types of bread, pizza bases and buns. It is a such a great business to have, seeing so many people benefit from our products everyday. Every day at Venerdi, we are furthering our desire to provide the best nutritional health to as many people as possible. We are proud to have a 100% gluten free factory and passionate about baking bread with organic ingredients.
Organic accreditation
Venerdi has been in business for since April 2002 and started making only certified organic products including spelt biscotti. This is where the Italian name ‘Venerdi, meaning Friday’ came from. Our humble beginning started at farmers markets, selling this spelt biscotti, which soon followed on the addition of spelt bread. Venerdi products then took their next step into organic food shops and later Foodstuffs supermarkets.