The Vitality Clinic
The Vitality Clinic is the home of Vitality Yoga and Vitality Yoga Teacher Training Academy. Yoga classes are held 6 days a week – morning, day and night. We also offer work shops, retreats and teacher training courses, which are held in tranquil bush surroundings at our retreat centre, which has been designed specifically with this purpose in mind. The Vitality Clinic also offers Kinesiology & Feng Shui and Bowen therapy with Kehry Frank.
The Vitality Clinic
Welcome to The Vitality Clinic
Give us your body. Gain a tranquil mind.
Yoga is a valuable means of self-healing that provides physical and mental therapy through the practice of yoga postures, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation. The physical and emotional benefits of yoga are endless. Science has proven that yoga slows the ageing process through balancing the endocrine and nervous system which directly affect all other systems of the body. Yoga improves energy flow throughout the body, enhancing health on every level. Yoga is ever growing within Western culture as more and more students report improved health, fitness and flexibility, decreased stress levels, raised energy levels and an overall sense of well-being and calm.
Why Vitality Yoga?
The Vitality Clinic prides itself on providing a style of yoga that is relevant to modern living, addressing the demands of lifestyles today. Yoga is thousands of years old, developed when man lived in harmony with the earth; he worked and lived off the land, ate simple, unprocessed foods, slept on the earth and squatted instead of using chairs. Not only have our lifestyles changed dramatically, but so have our bodies. Yoga in its classical form can be extremely challenging for the average Westerner’s busy mind, body and unconditioned spine. Vitality Yoga is founded on classical yoga, but adds a little more, incorporating other healing modalities such as Kinesiology and Chinese medicine to enhance yoga’s benefits and opening yoga to a wider group of people. Vitality Yoga empowers students through communicating the therapeutic outcomes of each technique or posture. Vitality Yoga was developed to address the needs of modern lifestyles and its unique approach has been highly popular among both experienced and first time yoga students. Our class sizes are small so that students can challenge and extend according to their own body under careful instruction from our teachers. Students acquire tools to deal with the challenges and demands of modern life. Everyone will benefit from Vitality Yoga regardless of age, gender, fitness or flexibility.
Yoga Teacher Training
Diploma of Vitality Yoga Teacher Training
Now taking bookings for 2012
One year part-time course. Monthly weekend retreats, accomodation and organic vegetarian meals provided.
The Vitality Yoga Teacher Academy runs 12-month yoga teacher training courses that are YTAA accredited, providing graduates with membership and insurance to the biggest yoga body in Australia. Our teacher training program is comprehensive and thorough, suitable for those wishing to teach or set up their own practice as an accredited Vitality Yoga teacher or for the student wishing to deepen their own awareness and understanding of themselves through the practice of yoga.
Each month students attend weekend lectures and also partake in a mentoring program and an intensive retreat focused on living the ‘yogic way’. Vitality Yoga graduates are equipped with confidence, knowledge and skills to cater for a broad market base by offering a style of yoga that addresses the physical and therapeutic needs of modern life.
The next teacher training course will commence 2nd last weekend March 2012 (later intake can be discussed).
For more information contact The Vitality Clinic on or (03) 54422081 to receive our Vitality Yoga Teacher Training Prospectus. You can also download this from our website.
Click here for our Yoga Timetables
Please note:
All classes run for 75mins except for Mums ‘n’ Bubs and breathing & meditation, which run for 60mins only. Lunch yoga runs for 45 min.All classes begin on time so please allow extra time if you are new and required to fill out forms, make payments, or if you need to speak with your yoga teacher, All General classes continue during School Holidays. All specialty classes do not run during School Holidays. Please check with us if you are unsure. If you have a group of eight people or more who would like to join together, but there is not a time that suits please call the clinic and we will arrange to open up a time slot for you.
Introductory yoga provides a foundation for yoga practice. Over two classes, students will learn the basic premise of yoga, obtaining tools to move safely through a yoga practice with awareness and depth. Introductory classes are suitable for beginners and are also recommended for those who have practiced yoga previously but are new to Vitality Yoga.
General yoga classes are the most popular and are the next step, following on from our introductory classes. General classes begin with preparatory postures to warm the body and settle the mind, they then move into Salute to the Sun Sequences followed by various yoga postures and concluding with meditation or relaxation.
Prenatal yoga classes are dedicated to expectant mums and the babies developing within them.Through yoga postures, breathing techniques, relaxation, visualizations and sound therapy, pregnant women leave prenatal yoga feeling relieved and relaxed.
Advanced yoga is a challenging class with a stronger emphasis on the physical aspects of yoga. This class is suitable for intermediate and advanced students who have a sound grasp on the importance of using the breath to stay safe within yoga practice.
Gentle yoga classes are suitable for beginners or for those who have chronic back or neck injury and any other physical aliments that may require a gentler practice. Gentle yoga allows students to work at their own pace and comfort and provides modifications and alternatives to classical practices.
Mums ‘n’ Bubs yoga is for mothers and their children – babies through to 3yr olds. The classes are light and informal. Children and babies can participate in the class or simply play with other children. New mothers are encouraged to involve their babies throughout the class but they may find their baby will wish to sleep beside them. This class helps mothers discover that peace and calm can be experienced, even when their child is with them.
8 week beginners course – $100
1 class per week – $90 per 6 week term
2 classes per week – $135 per 6 week term
Unlimited Class – $165 per 6 week term
Casual – $20 per class.
Bowen, Kinesiology, Thai Massage, Remedial Massage & Feng Shui Consultations Also Available
Please call our friendly staff on 03 5442 2081 for any more information or to make an Appointment today!