Red Suva Natural Therapies, Queensland
Are you putting up with Feeling Exhausted? Cranky & Irritable? Constant Gut Pain? Anxiety & Depression? Find out how you can once again feel ALERT, ENERGETIC & RELAXED! Call us today 3357 6295.
Red Suva Natural Therapies
Good health is a necessity not a luxury. At Red Suva we help you to achieve this, afterall you deserve it! One of my proudest achievements has been becoming a Mum. It is has renewed my passion for educating and increasing the conscious awareness of my clients to get the most out of their health so they can live life to the fullest and enjoy all the precious moments that life brings.
Red Suva Natural Therapies was established in 2005 by Juanita Emmerton. Juanita has been a registered Naturopath and Reiki practitioner since 2002 and a Frequency Specific Microcurrent practitioner since 2006.
Juanita integrates the principles of Naturopathy, Iridology, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Frequency Specific Microcurrent and Reiki to develop individualised treatment plans to prevent and alleviate some of the symptoms of a range of health complaints.
The clinic provides general naturopathic health care for the whole family for a range of conditions including:
Headaches & Migraines,
Stress , Anxiety & Depression
Sinus & Hayfever
Weight issues
High blood pressure
Hormonal imbalances such as endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS
Poor immunity
Digestive complaints such as reflux, constipation, IBS
Pain management
Metabolic Syndrome
Thyroid disease including Hashimotos’s
Skin complaints eg acne, eczema, psoriasis
Red Suva offers tailored, outcomes based, clinically proven programs for each and every patient, so you know you are in the right hands.
A Naturopath is a holistic practitioner who prescribes herbal medicine, nutrition and flower essences to promote the body’s own healing processes. At Red Suva Natural Therapies we focus on strengthening and supporting the systems and organs involved in a condition to enable to the body to heal itself. Naturopaths also focus on the underlying causes of disease, which includes dietary and lifestyle habits that may be contributing to the individual’s condition.
Diagnostic tools such as iridology, nail and tongue diagnosis, bio-impedence testing, blood, urine, hair and saliva samples can be used to help establish underlying causes of conditions. We encourage self-responsibility in health and help to facilitate dietary and lifestyle modifications that are specific to each individual’s needs. Through patient education we work to prevent the manifestation of disease and are happy to work in conjunction with other health professionals to provide a more holistic treatment.
Bio-Impedance Analysis
BIA is a science that was originally developed for monitoring patients after surgery in a hospital setting. It is a scientifically validated test that is able to accurately measure the body’s 6 key biological markers of ageing. Leads and electrodes will be attached to your hands and feet allowing the passage a low voltage electrical current through your body. This is safe and painless, and provides an insight into aspects of your health such as how much fat and muscle that you have in your body. BIA can also help monitor your cellular health and energy levels.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent
Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM) is a system of treatment using microamperage current to promote healing in the body. Different frequencies targeted at specific organs or conditions can be programmed into the machine to enhance the body’s ability to help repair itself and alleviate pain.
The frequencies have been shown to change a variety of conditions and tissues as well as the pain and functioning associated with them. It is particularly effective in the treatment of nerve and muscle pain, inflammation and scar tissue.
Only fully qualified practitioners and their technicians are able to perform FSM. The list of conditions that FSM can assist with is quite extensive, so please feel free to ask whether this type of treatment would be suitable for you.
BHSc Complementary Medicine, Naturopathy
Dip. Nutrition
Dip. Herbal Medicine
Reiki Practitioner Level 2
Frequency Specific Microcurrent Practitioner
BIA Practitioner