Live Life Well, Canberra
Live Life Well
Live Live Well is the sister company of Massage for Health, a business which has been in existence for the last 20 years. Massage for Health is owned and run by Emma Hely, an experienced Remedial Therapist.
In recent times, it has become clear to Emma that people benefit greatly from a variety of treatments. So, as well as getting regular massage, we have found that clients benefit from additional strength and conditioning exercises. Ensuring they are back on track and moving forward with their personal health and well-being.
To provide you with options for getting fit, building greater body awareness and working on postural issues, Massage for Health is expanding their services by adding LIVE LIFE WELL health and well-being studio. The studio is located just two doors down from the Clinic at Ainslie shops aand is running a number of fitness, stretching, posture and dance classes as outlined in this brochure.
LIVE LIFE WELL opened in February 2012 . All classesat the studio are run by qualified instructors. The class sizes will be kept small so that the trainers can work closely with you to tailor and design our classes with YOU in mind. Ensuring you are getting all the attention you need – specific to YOUR requirements.
Hurry spaces are limited, so book now.
Yoga Classes
New class starting Thursday 23rd August
Astanga Yoga – 7.30pm-8.45pm
Class suitable for students of all levels
The class combines steady poses with a focus on strength and stretching. A great workout for the more active students or a way to unwind for those who want to take it each. Hurry spaces limited!
Tuesday 7pm-8.30pm – Beginners Yoga/ Meditation class
If you are a brand new to yoga, never heard of salute to the sun or a downward dog, we welcome you. This is the class for you. It is just what the name says – for beginners.
Wednesday 7pm-8.30pm General yoga class – fully booked
Steady poses and breath work, combined with focused strengthening & stretching movements. The yoga in this class is a blend of various yoga styles. This class is not a fixed routine but a freestyle form of yoga. The teacher draws on her various backgrounds to bring you a unique, restorative and uplifting class. Every class is different (a number of core postures are always present), providing you with a broad range of strengthening and stretching techniques.
Thursday 6.15-7.30pm Intermediate Yoga class – spaces still available
This open class encompasses all levels. You work at your own pace, following the teacher’s constant guidance. A typical open class consists of flowing vinyasa, breath awareness, meditation, hands-on alignment, and relaxation. We do sitting, standing, and inverted postures, and suggest challenging variations for more advanced students.
Friday – Power Yoga 1-2pm – currently fully booked – but we are looking to run another Power yoga class during the week – if you would like more information – please send us an email!
Saturday Lunch time Yoga class 12noon-1.30pm – spaces still available
For those of you who have busy schedules – Sarah will be running a 90minute Yoga class on a Saturday – classes starting in May, similar format to the Wednesday evening class
All Yoga classes: $20 per class if paying casually or $120 for a eight week term ($15 per class)
Bellydancing classes: $16 per class or $150 for a ten week term ($15 per class)
Yamuna Ball Rolling Pilates
The type of pilates that we teach at the studio is Yamuna Body Rolling pilates.
Yamuna Body Rolling is a powerful modality designed to realign and re-balance our musculoskeletal system. A deep tissue massage and fitness practice all in one. Using specialised balls, the instructor will teach you how to use your own body weight to release and tone the muscles and tendons in your body.
By releasing the muscles you will gain greater movement and ultimately a greater sense of balance and well-being. It is a great way to get you back to your life, free of pain and restrictions with added flexibility and ease
Winter/Spring special
Book and pay for the 8 week term of ball rolling and only pay $100 for the term. That’s a savings of $20.
Normal prices are as follows:
• $120 for a 8wk term ($15/class)
• $65 for a 4 class pass
• $32 for a 2 class pass
• $20 “one off trial/casual class”
Students can join the classes at any time during the term, but you do need to book your spot
Beauty Salon:
Relaxation/ deep tissue Massage
20 mins….$40 – Back & Shoulders
60 mins….$75 – Full body massage
This is the relaxing, stress-reducing type of massage most people think about when they want a massage. Relaxation massage includes gliding, kneading, and striking strokes as well as friction strokes, stretching, joint movements, gentle shaking, and rocking.
Hot Stone Therapy Massage
60 mins…. $100
90 mins…..$130
This massage is one of the most luxurious and beneficial of them all. It is a combination of Relaxation /Deep Tissue massage with the healing properties of Hot Stones. The energy and penetrating heat of the stones helps tension melt away as though it had never been there. The stones are used both to perform massage strokes and to bring relaxing warmth to the body and muscles. Highly recommended!
Massage Therapy proudly supported by the therapists at Massage for Health 62570388
Life Coaching:
If you would like some more information about life coaching or to speak to our coach, please email: or call 0409458099