Kendra Boone
Kendra is a Complementary Health Care professional who teaches Hatha Yoga in Woden, Canberra, to restore wellness and wisdom in an ever changing world.
Kendra Boone – Yoga Classes
Kendra Is a Registered Yoga Practitioner with Yoga Australia, who specializes in teaching Mindfulness and Relaxation Yoga Classes in Woden, Canberra.
To book your first free yoga class, click here.
What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha Yoga is the art of using breath, movement and meditation to strengthen yourself, whilst developing the inner resources to confidently experience all situations that life brings you.
Yoga helps you to;
free up trapped energy in your body that may be causing pain
helps you to release stored emotion
deepen your spiritual awareness
learn stillness in a changing world
re-establish a loving communication with your body
restore your inner awareness that brings clarity and inner peace
My approach to teaching is one that strongly encourages mindfulness, active meditation and breath/self awareness.
Yoga Classes
Yoga RELAX Classes
Tuesdays 7.15pm (Yoga for beginners class)
Fridays 1.30pm
In times of busyness, stress and change, Yoga RELAX gives you permission to remove the striving and effort from your daily approach and allow your body and mind to find relaxation.
Enjoy the gentle Vinyasa flow movements that promote mindfulness and relaxation, supported poses using props, helps to nurture & open your body to release tension and stored emotion, powerful breath-work to balance and revitalize, followed by a deeply healing 15 minute meditation. Most of these processes are done lying or sitting on the floor.
An emphasis is on a simple practice. Your mind gets to play at simplicity, at being a beginner, and is more likely to gain insights into your basic human qualities. By no longer focusing on a technique, you can more readily feel and see yourself.
Week by week you gain more self awareness as the language of YOUR body is explored.
This class can be done by every BODY, anytime, at any age, and mainly caters for beginners and those who like a more Yin approach.
Mondays 9.30am
Tuesdays 6pm
Leave the demands of multi-tasking and take the challenge to upgrade your inner technology to mindfulness. In Yoga MINDBODY, the practice of mindfulness leaves a profound awakening of Body Breath and Mind, which takes your yoga practice way beyond the mat. This gentle yet dynamic class is open to all who want to refine their self-awareness. There is an emphasis on meditation, both in motion and stillness.
Emphasis is on being present, rather than performing
Mastery of breath to achieve ease of asana
Integration of subtle anatomy, and seasonal bio-rhythms
Yoga Philosophy supports self-study
An effective and safe body balancing program
The Yoga MINDBODY is designed as a natural progression from the Yoga RELAX class and suitable to more advanced students who are looking to deepen their practice and cultivate mindfulness. Beginners are encouraged to start with the Yoga RELAX class.
Class Location
The Wellness Space
Level 2 Health Point Building
16 Wilbow Street, Phillip
Class Fees
To book your first free yoga class, click here.
$200 for 10 class pass valid for 13 weeks or $150 concession
Pass can be used for any class.
Casual attendance is not encouraged unless requested.
You are most welcome to come and try a class, before you purchase a pass.
Enrol at any time on 0417423804 or online
Classes follow school terms
Contact Kendra on 0417 423 804, or ‘Make an Enquiry’ below, to find out more about her classes, or to book your first appointment.
What participants say….
‘Kendra’s yoga classes have increased my flexibility and overall feeling of well being far more than I ever hoped or expected. I’ve also learnt some great methods to reduce the stressful impact of people and circumstances in my everyday work situations as they arise”.
‘I first went to Kendra for yoga in 2007, seeking some stretching exercises and a bit of mental relaxation, but what I found in her classes was so much more. I have discovered a whole new approach to wellbeing, both physical and mental, that has me breathing deeply instead of, say, reaching for the paracetemol. I am more flexible and energized than I think I’ve ever been. And in Kendra I found an empathetic and professional mentor who puts comfort high on the agenda and delights in tailoring her classes to whatever the day’s aches or worries. Thank you, Kendra!’
‘Mindfulness yoga has given me greater control of my reactions when I am under stress. I’m less likely to ‘fire up’ and even when I do, I am more able to appreciate what I am feeling and calm down. Also, just being more aware of the present moment in general is a great by-product of mindfulness yoga practice’.
‘Mindfulness (when I remember to do it) means I don’t react as fast or fly off the handle as easily.
Also it helps me to think first before acting and put myself in others shoes as I have time to reflect first. This is different to other yoga practices as the focus has primarily been on breathing and movement – all good, but it’s been good to add that third component in’.
‘I enjoy mindfulness yoga because it allows me to focus on my internal energy, to find peace and stillness in my mind and body as I move through the postures. It is now an integral part of my spiritual practice each day.’
‘I joined Kendra’s Yoga class as I wanted to supplement my treatments of neck, back and knee problems with gentle exercise. Many months later I began to notice that when I feel better physically, it helps me mentally. The relaxation and meditation work seems to link my mind and body, and my depression is lifting as well.’
‘Since I have been attending Yoga classes with Kendra I have had no need to visit my Chiropractor as my neck and shoulders have less tension and tightness. I enjoy the balance poses as I find them a challenge to focus and to think of nothing else. The relaxation at the end of every class is wonderful, and when it is time to go home, I always feel totally rejuvenated and ready to face the rest of the day.’
Contact Kendra on 0417 423 804, or ‘Make an Enquiry’ below, to find out more about her classes, or to book your first appointment.