Kelli Howard Yoga
Kelli Howard has over 15 years experience in the natural therapy industry and has taught yoga across Australia including Bondi Beach – Sydney, Darwin, Litchfield and Uluru- Northern Territory, Lismore and Byron Bay – Far Northern NSW.
Kelli has been in Burwood for the past five years leading a lively heart centered yoga practice, facilitating Seasonal Yoga Workshops, Massage Workshops through Burwood Council and offering Yoga Correctives and Zen Shiatsu Treatments to her clients. She also extends her yoga classes and workshops to Glebe, Balmain and Canterbury/Hurlstone Park in Sydney’s Inner West.
Over the years Kelli has found yoga to be the most powerful way to develop and maintain physical vitality, mental clarity and joyful engagement with life.
Her in depth knowledge of traditional oriental medicine, acupressure points and the meridian system has her leading a unique fusion of movement, breath and meditative postures to promote health, harmony and well being in her classes.
She is a member of YA (Yoga Australia) with 15 years yoga teaching experience and is also a member of ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society) as a registered Zen Shiatsu Therapist.
Kelli has trained extensively in Zen Shiatsu Therapy and Ryoho Yoga with Andrzej Gospodarczyk (Shiatsu Ryoho Centre Sydney), finishing her training in Oki Yoga with Jackie Burke (Zendo Darwin) and Holistic Counseling with Aurora Hammond (Sydney).
She is currently undertaking a degree in Health Science Traditional Chinese Medicine at UTS, Sydney.