Jivamukti Yoga
The name Jivamukti means Liberation while living. It is taken from the Sanskrit term, Jivanmuktih, which is used to describe the state of enlightenment or God realisation.
Jivamukti Yoga promotes the educational aspect of the practice and gives students access to where these ideas have come from. Each class focuses on a theme, which is supported by Sanskrit chanting, readings, references to scriptural texts, music, spoken word, asana sequencing and yogic breathing practices. The average Jivamukti student is more educated about the philosophy of yoga than most yoga teachers.
The Jivamukti method of Yoga is one of the nine internationally recognized styles of Hatha Yoga.
Jivamukti Yoga maintains that one’s relationship to others (asana) should be mutually beneficial and come from a consistent (sthira) place of joy and happiness (sukham). This is an idea that, when put into practice, can dismantle our present culture- which is based on the notion that the Earth and all other animals exist for our benefit and to be exploited for our own selfish purposes.