Integrated Health Solutions
As a Qualified Naturopath, I use a balance of science, experience and intuition in relation to treatment protocols for patients. I have provider status with most health funds. Member ATMS
I have a passion for finding the healthy balance in life, and believe that anyone can take control of and learn to understand how to best manage their own health using tools like nutrition, herbs, and homeopathy as the basis for a healthy sustainable life.
I specialise in Digestive and nervous system complaints, allergy testing and treatment, mood conditions and balancing nutritional levels. In my experience, when the digestive and nervous system are functioning correctly. Health outcomes are quick and effective.
Natural Medicine can help all health issues
- Mood disorders (anxiety, depression, seasonal depression)
- Musculoskeletal problems
- All skin complaints
- Eczema
- Sleeping problems
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Ulcerative colitis
- Irritable bowel disease
- Autoimmune conditions
- General digestive problems
- Sinus and glue ear
- Helping to stop addictions
- Stress
- Fertility concerns (male and female)
- Infections (chronic and Acute)
The techniques used in clinic to facilitate this process will depend on the individual treatment protocols required. The outcome is for the patient to develop the capacity to recognise and adjust their lifestyles to maintain and support their own health.A Naturopathic consultation includes a full case history of your health, Iridology, checking body signs and then a plan developed in conjunction with you, to work towards improving and maintaining health.
The Modalities used are
- Iridology
- Nutrition and Diet
- Allergy Testing
- Homeopathy
- Herbs
- Reiki
- Massage
- Reflexology
- Ear Candling
- Naturopathic Counselling
- Body sign Technologies
It often takes a significant health issue to arise before we make the connection between quality of life and illness.Having the best possible understanding of ourselves is necessary to take control of what we need to do to maintain and improve our condition.A balance between all aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health is required. Feeling empowered to balance what we have been doing in the past with a complimentary approach allows for a more complete improvement in overall health.