High Street Natural Health
High Street Natural Health – Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a therapy from the ancient system of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used for thousands of years. The therapy works by triggering the flow of Qi (energy) along your body’s energy lines or meridians, acting as a catalyst for your body’s natural health responses. Fine, single-use, sterile needles are inserted in the skin at specific ‘acupoints’ along the meridians, clearing energy blockages and returning the body to balance and resolving illness.
Acupuncture is an efficacious, drug-free therapy that is becoming increasingly popular. It is well recognised (including by the World Health Organisation) and used by many people, from diverse backgrounds, of all ages, globally. Acupuncture takes an holistic approach to understanding normal function and disease processes – it has as much of a focus on prevention of illness as on the treatment or cure.
Energy flow has the potential to be disrupted in a variety of ways: emotional upset, physical injury, poor diet or overwork are all common examples. By ascertaining the underlying cause of the disruption and how it has affected your body, your practitioner is able to select the most appropriate treatment for you. Acupuncture also includes other Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques, including Cupping and Acupressure.
What to expect at your consultation
Your initial appointment with Aurora will begin with thorough health consultation, together we will discuss your health history, current symptoms, and any lifestyle influences that may be contributing to your condition. Aurora will examine you to ascertain whether there are any bodily signs of deficiency or ill health, this examination will include looking at your hands and nails, tongue and irises. Aurora uses iridology and simple in-clinic assessments to measure your adrenal health, other assessments may include a blood pressure check and urine analysis.
Once Aurora has reached a diagnosis, she will discuss the best treatment plan for you. Treatment plans will include one or a combination of different herbal medicines, vitamin and mineral supplements, acupuncture, dietary therapies and/or counselling.
If you’d like to hear more about Acupuncture, call Aurora at High Street Natural Health and chat about your needs, visit her website or click on one of the buttons below.
Service Categories
Acupressure, Acupuncture, Cupping, Moxibustion, Traditional Chinese Medicine