Bikram's Yoga College of India
Bikram’s Yoga College of India
Welcome to Bikram’s Yoga College of India
Practising Bikram Yoga regularly will propel your life forward as you energise your whole body.
The great thing about Bikram Yoga is that every student will improve their health by doing their best… whatever their best might be. If ever you feel inflexible, unfit or fraught then the Bikram series was created for you.
Being a good student has little to do with how well you perform the postures and more to do with your focus, breathing, strength and stillness.
Why Bikram Yoga is HOT!
Bikram yoga classes are held in a studio that is heated to 37 degrees Celsius. The heat in the yoga room helps warm the body’s muscles and joints, encouraging blood flow, and helping protect the body during stretching exercises and postures.
Why Bikram is Unique
For new students of Bikram a common question is what is it that makes Bikram yoga a unique form of yoga practice.
The most obvious unique aspect of Bikram yoga is that it is practiced in a room heated to 37 degrees Celsius. There are many reasons why practicing yoga in a warm is extremely beneficial to both your body and your mind – read more about Bikram Yoga and Heat here.
Bikram yoga comprises a series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises – and it is the repetition of Bikram’s yoga series that allows beginners to develop concentration and body mind awareness.
Each posture in the Bikram series is completed twice. The first set of a posture is designed to warm you up, and the second set enables you to work deeper within your body.
Benefits of Bikram Yoga
Teaches you to breathe fully and correctly
Builds strength, flexibility, balance, and tremendous endurance
Prevents chronic illnesses and injuries
Promotes better sleep
Deep sense of well being, vibrant health, and a peaceful mind
Weight loss and toning
Improves posture
Maintains youthful appearance, as the oxygenation and cleansing improves skin tone
Works every system of the body: cardiovascular, nervous, lymphatic, endocrine, immune,
digestive, reproductive, muscular, and skeletal
Works every organ, gland, muscle, tendon, ligament in the body
Reduces stress
Improves heart and lung capacity
Eliminates back pain
Greater flexibility of your spine in its full range of motion, allowing the central nervous system to
function optimally, resulting in high levels of energy
Integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which improves memory, learning, coordination and balance
Builds mental strength by holding your mind in a focused meditative state
Call us to discuss how hot Bikram Yoga can benefit you specifically, or to book your place in class today!